Unity generated html

Is it me or does the html file, generated when you build a webplayer, contain an error?

We where testing our webpage layout with different webplayers and found out that if you dont have unity webplayer installed it freezed the site after displaying the “get unity here” image. That is until the webplayer is installed.

What we found out is that this line is what causing it:


It works fine.

But now the question. Is there a reason for this or is it an error? And are we the onlyone experincing this?

Don’t know if this will help you, but I checked a page generated with Unity 2.5 and I get several errors, but none is about the IFrame tag. You can use the W3C Validation:

You could also try UnityObject that…

…wraps all of UT’s browser detection and communication in one javascript file and allows you to use minimal code to embed .unityweb’s in your web pages.

Edit: After re-reading my post, I realized that probably the W3C validation doesn’t check dynamic code, so you can dismiss the first part of my post.

What was the conclusion of this? Is closing the iframe tag OK?

I hope so, leaving it open really breaks page rendering.

Craig Timpany