Unity Gets Stuck On Application.UpdateScene After New Script Creation, after adding ECS 1.0

Been following the Entities tutorial, after a while every time I create a new script this happens:
and it goes on and on endlessly
Although it’s ok when I haven’t entered play mode since the project has started, but after entering play mode and creating a new script this happens
Only solution is to end unity from task manager and restart, which is very time consuming


Thought this was a bug related to unity 2022.2 but I experience this issue only with entities package

I’ve been creating my scripts through visual studio, but then I come back to the project try to select a game object and then this happens:
basically can’t do anything with the new package

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I’m having the same problem. Unity 2022.2.0f1 version. Creating or deleting the script causes the same bug. Is there any workaround?

Same problem running Unity 2022.2.0f1 & Entities 1.0.0-pre.15

Same here, even with version 2022.2.0b16 beta

Then try 2022.2.1f1.

The problem still happens for me in 2022.2.1f1

same problem

For anyone else with this problem, I did find somewhat of a solution. You have to create a new a project, and BEFORE you install com.unity.entities.graphics you have to switch from .NET Standard 2.1 to .NET Framework in Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Configuration > Api Compatibility Level (It doesn’t work to change this setting on a project with ecs already installed, because changing the setting just freezes up the editor the same as creating a new script.) After this, you then install ecs, then you have to restart the editor. Then it works (for me at least). No idea why, but until the bug gets fixed it’s the only solution I’ve been able to find.


thank you Thanks to you, I escaped hell.

I am using 2022.3.9f1, but this issue is still there.
After changing to .NET Framework, I do not have this problem when deleting a script.
However, it happens when I create a script. The good thing is, not every time.

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I am using 2022.3.10f1 or 2022.3.11f1, but this issue is still there.
Why hasn’t Unity fixed it even though it’s been around for a long time?

The problem still happens for me in 2022.3.11f1, Entities Graphics:1.0.16

Yeah, I have the same problem with the 2022.3.11f version - all the same, error when creating file cs. I hope the 2023.1.11f version has many fixes with the burst compiler that will help solve this problem.

The problem still happens for me in 2023.1.16f1, Entities Graphics:1.0.16, Entities:1.0.16,
The issue occurs relatively randomly, and sometimes triggering script compilation can also cause this issue.

Fixed for me by deleting the Library folder and letting it be rebuilt on next run.

Hello, it seem I found the root reason,
I disable Jobs->Burst->Synchronous Compilation,
And the issue never happened. That’s all.

I’m not sure why Unity didn’t notice this problem, because this issue is easy to reproduce:
As long as this is option(Jobs->Burst->Synchronous Compilation) checked, it will appear with a certain probability (eg: when adding a c# script to trigger compilation).
Maybe it’s because this option is turned off by default.

Anyway, this annoying problem never appeared again.

My test Enities version: 1.0.16, 1.1.0-pre.3

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