As I mentioned in another thread, modern disks are large but not infinite.
I can’t take the liberty of keeping multiple versions of Visual Studio installed, since I would be using 2022 exclusively for unity. i want to be able to continue using 2017 which I am comfortable with.
The problem is what I’ve reported several times before, which is that it doesn’t attach to debug, it doesn’t find breakpoints, or it does after 10 minutes, or it lists several instances of unity to choose from, only none of them match the one instance that is open!
So, unity, if you give me a 16TB SSD, or maybe a dedicated computer for development, then I can instal all the development environments you like, otherwise you’ll have to keep supporting the old versions. Especially since 2017 is not that old, and a few years ago it worked perfectly. 2010 also worked.
It doesn‘t really matter though. The issue isn‘t with a specific version but something with your configuration. It works on other systems.
VS also isn‘t that big anyway, for Unity it is about 3-4 GB installed or equal to a Unity editor install. This is easily rivaled by most Unity projects, or the local package download cache. If you want to free up some space locate that folder and delete it. For me it grew to 50+ GB within less than half a year due to each separate version of each package ever downloaded being cached.
Unless you spend time and dig deep … not really.
You could also dig up one of @Kurt-Dekker posts about how to fix VS issues, perhaps one of these fixes the debugger issue too.
I recently reported a bug to Unity. The TestRunner window title wasn’t “TestRunner” but “UnityEditor.TestTools.TestRunner.Something…” for several versions now. They could not reproduce. I had someone else test it: also no repro. But this happened to me even in new projects. By accident I realized that the layout file I had once created contained this odd TestRunner title and thus it sticks around. So I manually edited that .wlt file and imported it and it’s back to normal.
But that isn’t the only odd issue. I cannot select Rider as an External tools as long as either VS or VSCode packages are installed. Again, no repro from Unity’s side, they even made a video. I have no idea why that’s happening to me.
The best approach to such issues is a “factory reset” but that can prove difficult. Uninstalling doesn’t remove all cached files or configuration data or registry keys added after installation. You would have to clean things manually. Personally I’m tempted to do a clean Win11 install for the third time this year.
Unless you’re performing a complete install (or you’re on a release of Windows that has a very outdated set of common runtimes) you shouldn’t need a large drive for Visual Studio.
Unity on the other hand is at least 5GB for a base installation with support for just one platform, and if you need more than one platform that quickly multiplies, and that’s for just one installation of the editor. Most people need more than one.
While I am with you that if you already have something installed, there should be a “quit asking me” option for VS community, I use Rider, i used to use it before, then got fed up with some of its shenanigans, went back to VS, then am trying it again… but am rapidly going off it… However, if i wish to use notepad, or whatever, it is annoying to constantly have to say i do not want this.
Cant say i can reproeuce your problem @CodeSmile but as it is a throw away comment theres probably some better instructions in your ticket, and i bet following them I probably can.
However, for anyone whos ever upgraded even a minor version, im sure they got bit by the hub asks you really? are you sure… you say yes, and then you have to agree again… No mate, surely i agreed is enough. I also noticed 2023 versions just upgrade packages without so much as a by your leave at this point. But do they zap temp and library and all those things? no.
There are some odd things stored in odd places, so, as an example, if you ever downloaded your git repo from scratch it wont have rememebered your build choice… why? cos its in Library, which we dont tend to keep. It is hard to keep settings and files clean
Visual Studio, my Unity installs, and my projects so far haven’t exceeded 50GB. I think most people can deal with that much space being taken up.
Library folders can bloat up, but if you haven’t touched a project for a while you can just delete them to save space.
And don’t be afraid to change. Visual Studio 2022 isn’t that much different to the older versions. All your preferences should carry over anyway, as they did for me.
For the avoidance of doubt, the problem I am reporting in this discussion is the lack of compatibility of recent Unity with VS2017 (which, incidentally, I found to be more different from VS2022 than 2017 was from 2010).
I read somewhere that the problem is that Unity wants the latest version of VS. Then I don’t know if that is true, but it is possible. Even given the Hub’s insistence on sponsoring VS2022!
My real intent was not to complain about Unity’s excessive size, albeit…
I have never tried Rider. I have tried installing multiple versions of VS in the past, and it was problematic because of the version selector not always working.
At this point maybe we should complain to MS about the VS uninstall or re-install program working poorly.
Then, if you will, I also complain about the too-frequent minority updates taking a long time.
On closer inspection, it would also be nice if when I install a new version of Unity the same tools as the currently installed version are pre-selected, and suggested without being selected of other tools based on those selected.
You can report the problem (or complain in the direction of Microsoft) if you wish but it’s not likely to be fixed as mainstream support for VS2017 ended April 2022. Support for older releases of Windows was discontinued for a similar reason. It’s expected that you move to newer releases eventually. That time has come.