Unity Gree SDK- No way to close login window!!!

Have anyone tried Gree. The mobile social platform bought over openfeint. They have a sdk for Unity but when you call Gree.Authorizer.Login to promot user for login. A login window pop-up and there is no option to close it! So if this window pop-out, user HAVE TO has a Gree acount to login otherwise its stuck there forver. They just published a new SDK today 25 June, and the issue is still there.

How could it possbile?? Should I abuse those Jpas (Gree company) or am I missing something???

Trying it out now.

Strangely, there is a close button in the top right, only when you press “Play on GREE”.

Problem I have is its stuck on portrait :S

Hi all,

Quick question about the issues you’re having - are you running iOS or Android? Within the Unity plugin, there is an option for ‘enableGrade0’ which allows your players to play the game without needing to login, however this feature is unique to iOS.

Good luck, and let us know how this works out for you!

I had the same issue on iOS. Even in portrait orientation. But its fixed it the recent gree sdk.