I’m trying to start a new project with DOTS for a gamejam and I’d like to build to WebGL.
From my previous experiences I was woried about hte entties not rendering but that turned out good rigth away.
However, the physics is not so good.
When building to WebGL with Unity Physics, it works at first but after a few second I get a “memory access out of bounds”.
When building the same thing in devolopement build my entites just go through each others (no colission at all) and there is an assertion failure in the console.
I found this somewhat related issue which is not encouraging : Unity Issue Tracker - [WebGL] [DOTS Web] Build crashes with "Memory access out of bounds" error when using EntityComponentBuffer
I tryied to switch to Havok Physics hoping it would would work but I run in another issue with a dll Havok Native not found.
I tried to build for Windows 64 and it works.
So is it not supported ? should I build with a sprecific option or setting (to disable multithreading for instnace ?) ?