I would really like to use multiple HDRI sky setups throughout the world. But when I navigate from one volume profile to another with different HDRI skies, there is a huge hitch where the game completely freezes for 5+ seconds. This does not happen when navigating between volume profiles while changing any other override in the list including Exposure, Visual Environment, Tonemapping, Color Adjustments, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, Indirect Lighting Controller, Screen Space Reflection, Shadows, Screen Space Global Illumination, Screen Space Refraction, Shadows, Midtones, Highlights, White Balance, Screen Space Lens Flare, Diffusion Profile List, Lift, Gamma, Gain, Physically Based Sky, Gradient Sky, Volumetric Clouds, Cloud Layer, Fog, Bloom, or Water Rendering.
The HDRI skies I am trying to use at 8k cube maps. Is this not supported or is the engine only able to handle a single HDRI Sky for an entire game? I am currently using 2023.2.20f1 because Unity 6 is incredibly unstable.
Thanks in advance.