@Unity: Hello, is there anybody out there? :P

A blog post has been in the community pipeline but didn’t get it’s turn in the queue before GDC, it should be going out this week. Relevant snippe from that about things we’re working on now:

  • NAT punchthrough support. This will likely include an extra server type in our service, to facilitate NAT punchthrough connection setup and will add the feature to the transport layer and upwards (to high level API and network manager).

  • Improvements to the multiplayer dashboard. It is now easier to go live with auto-acceptance to limited CCU requests (this is live now) and it will be easier to get an overview of usage and statistics.

  • Improvements to matchmaking/relay service. This includes the much needed relay support for host migrations, notification messages about bandwidth thresholds and improved match filtering in the API.

  • Built-in Steamworks P2P API support. It’s currently possible to route message sending/receiving to another transport, but only in the high level API. We plan on adding specific support for Steam including swapping the transport implementation in the transport API.

This addresses some of the questions above about what is coming and the top complaints (host migration, nat punchthrough, steam integration). Before starting work on the stuff above we spent quite a bit of time on stabilization or addresseing issues with current features (so no work on new features). We’ve spent time on improving docs, like setting everything aside and just going over everything in the manual together over a period of a few weeks, also the lobby has received speical attention. These changes are with the doc team and I expect will be getting out soon. It’s an ongoing process though and I expect we’ll revisit it again. We’ve spent time on the bug pile, though some changes will need refactoring to be address properly and will take a bit longer to get addressed. There are bugs which have been prioritized lower so you might not have seen any reponse on those for a long time, ideally we’ll bump prioritization on older bugs so everything will get closed eventually and nothing left behind.

I’m not sure about the complaint about bitbucket not seeing any updates for 1.5 years. Sometimes it lags behind, that’s true. It was updated last month with 5.6 changes, and latest releases (5.5/5.4) have also seen updates. Basically it just gets source dumps from the Unity source tree at appropriate times (it’s not worked in directly).

Stay tuned for the blog post with more information.