So, I was toying around with a particle emitter and, long story short, put an invalid argument in the max particles field, resulting in a BSD upon running the game.
After re-loading, everything seemed fine, but the editor began hickuping. I don’t know how else to describe it. It runs fine, but at a relatively regular interval will pause for a second before resuming. The pause is accompanied by a soft pop from my speakers. It doesn’t occur when navigating menus, only when either working in the 3D view or after hitting the play button.
I’ve uninstalled and re-installed Unity, opened a new project with no assets, but the issue persists even then. It doesn’t seem to be performance related, as the game window stats don’t take an FPS hit. I’ve run other 3D programs, including Blender, Sculptris, a model viewer, and 3D games, and there are no performance issues there.
I’ve been searching around on these forums, online, and trying various theories myself, but I can’t seem to figure it out.
Any theories on what this may be or how it may be resolved?