Unity hotkeys stop working occasionally

I’ve encountered a problem that Unity hotkeys stop working (e.g. ctrl+s, ctrl+o, etc.) I can’t say when this happens. I need to relaunch Unity to make hotkeys work. Maybe someone had the same problem? Is it a bug or I am doing something wrong?

Same here on 2019.3.10f1 and Windows10, I also have a non-English language besides English on the system (it might be the case, IDK)
my workaround is to open the Shortcuts window from the Project settings then close it and all shortcuts start to work again. kinda strange :confused:

Same here. Sometimes switching to Rider IDE and back helping, but still this problem is a freaking liability and slowers the work.
ps. system language is Russian, maybe this is somehow related to the problem.

I have the same issue. It happens when I change focus to unity window with non-English system language. After that, I need to restart Unity. Or try to change the language to English back, but it does not always work :frowning:

Same problem guys.


Today I made a script that fix the CTRL+ issue on my unity 2019.4.20f1.
Here is the 1
Feel free to copy paste it in your projects to see if it solve your problem.

Script: Put this script in a Editor/ folder somewhere... · GitHub