Unity Hub 0.16 Not Showing Visual Studio install available (No Dev Tools section listed either)

hey there folks - macOS 10.10.5 in latest Hub version, and trying the Add Component on a previous install of 2018.1, it does not show Visual Studio (or any Dev tool) as being available. the section doesn’t show. is this an issue with Yosemite? i noticed i can’t use the Download Manager app so i though i would try the Hub. it didn’t show me any option to install Visual Studio and i know the latest version should be able to work with Yosemite. what gives?

I believe I also encountered this issue which had me switch back to using the classic installer.

thanks for verifying @Member123456 . i couldn’t use the installer because it no longer supports running on macOS 10.10 - maybe it’s just an oversight for now, but that’s why i had to switch to the Hub installer.