Unity Hub 1.6.2 download?

I just updated to 2.0 and sorry but I really don’t like it.
It’s very hard to read, lots of pretty but little usability.
The beta are mixed with the stable versions.
I really really want to rollback but I can’t find the old version.
Where can I download it?


Same here, looking to revert back. The new UI doesn’t distinguish well between projects if they’re in the same folder and 2.0 adds nothing in terms of features/fixes that I need.

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Sorry for the inconvenience, but the Hub does not support downgrade.
Instead, we would like to hear your opinion on what version 2 lacks so we can improve upon.
It would be very much appreciated.

Someone sent me an installer for 1.4 so I downgraded to that versus 2.0. I’ll stay on that for as long as I possibly can. This is my chief problem; being able to distinguish projects from each other. The name of the folder the project is in means nothing to me since like a lot of teams we use the same folder setup for every project. Using the folder path or product name would be 1000x better.

There is a tooltip that shows you a truncated path in 2.0, but its twitchy and is a worse UX experience than versions of Hub previous to 2.0.

Beta feedback addressing this here ( Feature Req: Use Project Title from Unity Project - #5 by joeksy )

2.0 UX for Projects

1.4 UX for Projects


Each of these issues that now pop up on this forum were reported when the Hub 2.0 was in preview, they just shipped the new version as is regardless. The path thing is driving me nuts specifically, they have the path in tooltips but that’s just most horrible UX decision you could make for it. On top of this the tooltips don’t even show consistently. Having the paths hidden is the biggest issue on 2.0 right now.

This also affects experimental custom engine installations as it’s really hard to tell what is installed and where. This is how it looks now:

and here’s edited image to explain what some of these items actually are:

on old hub, you saw this all at one glance as the paths were displayed.

I don’t want to sound this negative but almost every change in Hub 2 just depresses me as they are almost all steps backward in usability. I get that you want something that looks fancy but don’t ruin usability by it. This probably wouldn’t have been this infuriating if the older Hub hadn’t worked as well as it did (altho it lacked other things requested from the beta days also but these things don’t exist on 2.0 either, it just really feels like user feedback for the Hub is commonly ignored).


I would also like to revert back to old version because new version totally broke my license and now I’m stuck with Personal license which is not acceptable.

Please just reintroduce OPEN project Button it was more efficently than add button :sunglasses:

The Internet Archive captured a snapshot of Unity Hub 1.6.1.



Thank you for this!

btw is there any way to disable this? it automatically updates itself to 2.0 again.

Thanks, It really helped me.
I was not even able to open projects in newer unity hub, that was horrible.

Thanks a lot.

Unity 2.1.2 hub is very worse . i think its better to stick will 1.6 will good

lot of bugs is there with 2.1.2

Thanks a lot for the link ! Is there any way you could help us with finding other versions as well ? :stuck_out_tongue:
Does the Wayback machine have other such gems ?
Particularly looking for any version except the latest one 2.1.3

It lacks being able to open projects :\

I’ve Had The Very Same Problem

Currently i recommend to stick with a version older than the 2.0