Unity Hub 2.3.2 Apple Dev Kit

Hi All,

Anyone got Unity to install and run on the new Mac mini Apple Silicon




currently Hub isn’t functional under Rosetta 2. I’m actually working on fixing it. You should be able to launch Unity via command line using “-projectpath” argument.

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seem to be struggling - any alpha versions of the hub going spare in the near future ?

Unfortunately I don’t have an ETA for the hub.

Does launching Unity via the command line not work?

It will work, but having issues getting around License activation.

thanks for your help BTW

6045137--653459--Screenshot 2020-07-01 at 21.25.10.png

You can activate a license using command line too. See this: Unity - Manual: Command-line arguments

I’m in the same boat with the DTK trying to get past the Unity Hub. Could you post the Terminal command needed to activate a personal license?

It’s in the page I linked…

First you type this to generate a license request file: /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -batchmode -createManualActivationFileThen, you upload the license activation request file to Manual Activation webpage and download the license file it gives you.

Finally, you activate the license using the file you just downloaded: /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -batchmode -manualLicenseFile <yourulffile>

Thank you! Looks like there is one more obstacle. I’m getting this error: “Unity Package Manager Error: Failed to start the Unity Package Manager local server process. Make sure the process [/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/Resources/PackageManager/Server/UnityPackageManager] is not blocked by your anti-virus configuration.”

Which Unity version are you on? I haven’t seen that on 2019.4 or 2020.1.

Can you report a bug on it?

I’m on 2018.2 because we still support iOS 9.3.5 devices. I’ll try 2019.4 to confirm is it gets past the issue.

The issue doesn’t occur with 2019.4 - we’re considering moving from 2018 and dropping iOS 9 support. Thanks for the quick assistance!

Of course! Let us know if you run into any other issues.

There are two other known issues that we’ve found so far:

• Asset store window crashes Unity if you open it (so don’t open it :smile:);
• C# compiler is crashing in Unity 2020.2, making Unity unusable.

I’m working on the hub issue right now, and then I’ll be fixing the C# compiler in 2020.2.

Thanks for the updates! I assume the C# compiler issue isn’t happening on 2019.4.

Yeah, it’s 2020.2 alpha issue specifically. Doesn’t affect any other Unity version.

not sure what I messed up but finally got a Unity Project open with : /Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -createProject ~/Documents/Example cd ~/Documents/Example

Guessing Hub is built with Chrome and using libffmpeg.dylib & Electron framework hence not working. None of Google Chrome builds work on the Dev unit

Yeah it’s using Electron. But as I said, I’m working on fixing it.

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An updated version of the hub with the fix is out. See Unity on Apple silicon and Big Sur: Known issues and workarounds for more information.