Unity Hub 2.4.0 on Mac OS 10.15.6 Catalina fails to install Unity & save Unity Editor Folder path.
Installs fail silently.
Uninstalls work fine.
You can set the Unity Editor Path to “/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor” manually but you can’t save it. I suspect this has something to do with the validation added in 2.4.0. Maybe related to issue 1161643 as well, idk.
Only workaround seems to be to just install manually and then locate?
Same here. It took forever to download Unity 2020.03.0f1 this morning, and when it finally finished downloading, there was some error and it was unable to install. So I created the 2020.3.0f1 folder inside of /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor on Mac and it worked the second time after burning through another several gigs of download data. Really appreciative of this forum or else I would probably still be scratching my head on this one.