Unity Hub 3.10.0 - Activation of your license failed

This is incredibly frustrating, I’ve been trying to activate a license for the past 2 days since I have a fresh install in a computer. Constantly getting:

It doesn’t matter how many logout/login, try again, remove/install I do, I cannot manage to get past this.

I simply cannot work.

I have contacted support twice, through web & the tool at the Hud and I guess it’s going to take ages for them to reply. In the logs I see there are some timeouts that look 100% related to this issue:

{"timestamp":"2024-12-12T13:53:46.675Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicenseService","pid":3089,"message":"user is eligible for free tier"}
{"timestamp":"2024-12-12T13:53:46.675Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","pid":3089,"message":"activateAllEntitlementBasedLicenses: Activating all entitlement based licenses"}
{"timestamp":"2024-12-12T13:54:16.504Z","level":"warn","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","pid":3089,"message":"[ 'A problem occurred while trying to activate all entitlement based licenses', '{\"messageType\":\"ActivationManagementResponse\",\"results\":[],\"responseCode\":408,\"responseStatus\":\"Request timed out: The delegate executed asynchronously through TimeoutPolicy did not complete within the timeout.\",\"id\":\"41\"}' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2024-12-12T13:54:16.504Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicenseService","pid":3089,"message":"activateAllEntitlementBasedLicenses:  EntitlementBasedLicenseActivationResponse { messageType: 'ActivationManagementResponse', getSubResult: [Function (anonymous)], results: [], responseCode: 408, responseStatus: 'Request timed out: The delegate executed asynchronously through TimeoutPolicy did not complete within the timeout.', id: '41' }"}
{"timestamp":"2024-12-12T13:54:16.504Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicenseService","pid":3089,"message":"activateAllEntitlementBasedLicenses: finished"}

Has anyone found a solution for this?

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Posting my solution here in case it helps somebody else! Uninstalled the Hub, installed it again and before opening it I change the DNS servers of my WiFi connection to the ones at Cloudfare:

That solved the issue instantly and I was able to activate the license :slight_smile:

Hope this helps someone else!