Unity Hub 3.6.0 Unable To Launch!

When I updated my unity hub from version 3.5.2 to 3.6.0 it wasn’t launching at all, first it was just stuck at loading screen then it gave me an error that unity hub is unable to launch. First I thought that its the issue with wrong installation, but, no! I even re-installed it but nothing’s happening its stuck at the same loading screen and its happening with the recent new version of unity hub which is 3.6.0. I also cannot move my hub window, its just stuck there. Like, what’s even happening? I see, many people are facing the same issue but unity is doing nothing, like we have dead lines man. Dear unity team, please fix this issue as soon as possible. Thanks


Same issue here.


Same here…
From logs seems the hub can’t reach servers :

Unhandled promise rejection, reason: Timeout! Cannot connect to Licensing Client within 60000ms\n\tstack ConnectionLost: Timeout! Cannot connect to Licensing Client within 60000ms\n    at IpcError.fromType (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\@licensing\\licensing-sdk\\lib\\core\\ipc\\ipcBase.js:106:16)\n    at RequestIpc.waitForConnection (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\@licensing\\licensing-sdk\\lib\\core\\ipc\\ipcBase.js:36:152)\n    at LicensingSdk.getMachineId (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\@licensing\\licensing-sdk\\lib\\core\\licensingSdk.js:75:35)\n    at LicensingSdk.<anonymous> (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\build\\main\\services\\licenseService\\licensingSdk.js:122:86)\n    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)\n    at C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\build\\main\\services\\licenseService\\licensingSdk.js:31:71\n    at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n    at __awaiter (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\build\\main\\services\\licenseService\\licensingSdk.js:27:12)\n    at LicensingSdk.getMachineId (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\build\\main\\services\\licenseService\\licensingSdk.js:121:16)\n    at CloudAnalytics.<anonymous> (C:\\Program Files\\Unity Hub\\resources\\app.asar\\build\\main\\services\\cloudAnalytics\\cloudAnalytics.js:102:56)

Anyone know where to download the previous version of Unity Hub, I can’t find it anywhere on there website.

Here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230914202504if_/https://public-cdn.cloud.unity3d.com/hub/prod/UnityHubSetup.exe

(Archive.org link, indexed last month)


thanks for that

Thanks I was able to install 3.5.2 back from this link… unfortunately Unity website just nukes all the links to old versions and keeps us stuck.

Similar issue as original post.

I reported my bug yesterday to Unity. If it helps anyone to solve the issue, I attached here my info-log.json (as .txt, on Windows 11 from C: \ Users \ \ AppData \ Roaming \ UnityHub \ logs). The errors seem similar to the one reported by AlainBirchmeier above.

Thanks @The_Swiss_Guy , the archive.org link worked like a charm for me!

9434249–1322855–info-log - Copy.json.txt (23.8 KB)

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Same problem here.

My log says something related with the license, but after removing everything (unity, hub, license, appdata, etc.) andn reinstalling everything, it still fails.

Any ideas?

Failed to launch licensing client: Error: exit code: 5, pid: 25248

Failed to connect to primary pipe: 'Unity-LicenseClient-ecent, pid: 25248

Failed to launch licensing client: Error: exit code: 5, pid: 25336

Failed to connect to secondary pipe: 'Unity-LicenseClient-yCrP-2SNFPjQEg95w4f4v, pid: 25336

Here’s mine :face_with_spiral_eyes:

{"timestamp":"2023-10-27T21:28:28.592Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Get all entitlement groups' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2023-10-27T21:28:28.592Z","level":"warn","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Failed with ipc error type: ConnectionLost, pid: 49128' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2023-10-27T21:28:28.592Z","level":"error","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'An unexpected error occurred while trying to get all entitlement groups detail' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2023-10-27T21:28:28.592Z","level":"error","moduleName":"LicenseService","message":"[ 'Error while getting valid entitlement groups: ConnectionLost: Timeout! Cannot connect to Licensing Client within 60000ms' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2023-10-27T21:28:28.592Z","level":"error","moduleName":"LicenseService","message":"[ \"Error while getting all entitlement groups: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'map')\" ]"}

Thanks dude!!!

I’ve been dealing with this same issue for a few days now, I had submitted a crash/bug report to Unity when it initially happened after installing 3.6.0, with my editor logs attached. They got back to me within a day, saying that they know about this issue already, and gave me a link to the HUBX-850 issue (Unity Issue Tracker - Hub crashes with &quot;Timeout! Cannot connect to Licensing Client within 60000ms&quot; when opening it). They also gave me the advice to do a clean reinstall and backup my “editors.json” file in “C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub”. I attempted but my old files kept coming back, I suspect that might have been an issue with my PC though. But reinstalling using the 3.5.2 setup seems to have worked.

FYI, the last version 3.6.1-beta.1 solves the problem for me: the Unity Hub starts again normally.

Where did you get it?

Edit: nevermind, found it here https://discussions.unity.com/t/931897 page-3

I have the same issue - except it was when updating from 2.4.5 to 3.6 (this is on a computer I don’t use as often). I even did an uninstall and fresh install of Unity Hub, and it wouldn’t launch.

I recall having a similar issue on a different computer a while ago. I think the problem was with the names of my existing projects - one of them contained a character that made the Hub hang during startup - in this case, that character is a period, but there may be other characters that cause issues as well. I think the solution was to modify the Hub’s local saved data, to remove the offending projects - but I cannot recall where that data is. And I believe that simply renaming the projects themselves may not be sufficient, as the Hub stores that info locally (that’s how it is able to handle the fact that you may have projects in different directories).

This should be a simple problem for Unity to reproduce, test for, and handle - and I am surprised that it has not been addressed.

Here is a potential solution.

1: Set Unity Hub to start in Administrator mode (either by right-clicking and selecting Run As Administrator when launching it, or by setting it in the Windows Properties → Compatibility tab).

2: Rename/delete/replace your UnityHub local folder, and then re-install Unity Hub. This folder is saved to C:\Users<YOUR_NAME>\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub. Personally, I rename that folder to “UnityHub-Broken”, that way I still have it, but the hub creates a new one when you do the fresh install.

You may need to log into Unity again when launching it, and that can be a hassle if you have adblock or privacy plugins, but it’s not too bad.

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Please try updating the version of Unity.
However, there is likely a version of Unity Hub that is suitable for the version of Unity you are using.

Update: Unity Hub 3.6.1 contains fixes for these bugs. See my comment #20 below ( Unity Hub 3.6.0 Unable To Launch! - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions ) for full instructions.

You can track the progress in:
~~- https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/licenseclient-launch-error-code-5-in-the-unity-hub-access-denied~~
~~- https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/wmi-invalid-class-exception-in-the-unity-hub~~
If you are affected, we encourage you to update to the patched version of Hub that you can find here:
~~- Windows: https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.cloud.unity3d.com/hub/prod/UnityHubSetupBeta.exe~~
~~- Mac: https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.cloud.unity3d.com/hub/prod/UnityHubSetupBeta.dmg or https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.cloud.unity3d.com/hub/prod/UnityHubSetupBeta.zip~~
Steps to install:
- Close all open Editors
- Make sure Unity Hub is closed (check the system tray)
- Uninstall the currently installed Unity Hub
- Install the new version
If you still experience the issue, please report here and/or submit a bug report using Unity Hub Bug Reporter (open Unity Hub > click on your name icon > Troubleshooting > Report a bug)
We have also found temporary workarounds if you don’t want to update or the problem persists for you:
- Launch Unity Editor directly by double-clicking on the executable. A window will pop up with options to Create an empty project to Open an existing project.
- Alternatively, you can create a new project by using the command in Terminal/CMD
<path_to_editor_executable> -createProject <path_of_new_project>
or open an existing project with
<path_to_editor_executable> -projectPath <path_ofexistiong_project>
~~- More information about Unity Editor command line arguments can be found here: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/EditorCommandLineArguments.html~~

I don’t want to use the beta version.
I am lucky because I have the installer of v.3.5.2.
I uninstall auto-updated v.3.6 every 24 hours and install v.3.5.2, again and again and again…
I am sure that Unity teams handle the issue seriously but we need an immediate solution.

We’ve just released a non-beta update (Unity Hub 3.6.1) that patches these bugs.

To upgrade, I’d suggest performing a clean reinstallation of the Unity Hub:

  • Uninstall Unity Hub

  • Open “C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub”

  • Backup “editors.json” file (information about installed Editors is kept here)

  • Delete all of the files inside

  • Install Hub again. You can download the latest Hub installer from Start Your Creative Projects and Download the Unity Hub | Unity

  • Open “C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub” and paste the saved “editors.json” file here.