Unity Hub 3.6.1 - There was an issue contacting the Unity servers. Please try again

This is a new issue. It wont activate my seat because:

There was an issue contacting the Unity servers. Please try again.

Online my seat is activated, and I can still use unity, but I worry this will eventually not be the case.

Anyone know why there was an issue contacting the Unity servers?
My network configuration has not changed, and I clearly have internet because I am writing this question!


Temporary workaround for those having trouble with their licensing not working in the HUB, you can use the command line with an editor executable:

./unity.exe -projectpath “…”
I’ve been able to load up my project this way.

Seems there are multiple problems or “incidents” as they are listed here in the Unity Service Status page…here you can track it:

Same issue here, in v2023.1
Updated hub right to the latest version right before this happened; I had delayed updating, so maybe that’s why I’m only seeing the problem now.

Unity Servers may be having problems, I’m getting a package manager error:

[Package Manager Window] Error searching for packages. An error occurred, likely on the server. Please try again later.
Unable to perform online search:

Try waiting for a while.

same here , unable to download any package from my assets , 502

I encountered similar problem 2 hours ago. I returned my old license and tried to create a new personal license but got this error message: “Activation of your license failed. Try again or contact Unity Support for help.”

I tried reinstalling the unity hub and that didn’t help at all.

same problem here. I can’t recover the license.

I have the same problem! It looks like the Unity servers had some issues because I cannot access the “my seats” option to activate a Unity hub pro license.

I am following these steps: https://support.unity.com/hc/en-us/articles/209933966-How-do-I-find-my-license-serial-number-

The same problem returned just now.

Having the same issue. Sent an email and they said lead time is 2 months…

this is the error showing for since last 1hr i think so i think the error is back

i tried to reinstall it but did not solve the problem

I am having this issue as well currently. It may be a server wide issue

Yeah its happening again.
Previously you could still open your project. Now you cannot.
This is incredibly unprofessional, I hope they fix it once and for all.