Unity Hub Black Screen


I am using Unity on virtual Macos for building ios devices.Today i updated to 3.4.0 version and i got boom. Because i see black a screen.When i resize it, i can see something on the screen but i can’t use it. Now i can’t open any project on Macos. Why did you change the infracture? What did you use? Please help me and show me a way! Best regards

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Hi, it looks like a known issue with Electron: [Bug]: Electron 18.x drawing issues in MacOS Virtual Machines · Issue #33735 · electron/electron · GitHub.
Could you please start the Hub with “–flags --disable-gpu” and see if it helps?


Thanks Gennady. I found 3.3.0 version on web.archive.org and it solved my problem.
Wayback Machine

@Gennady thank you so much for the hint, it works! I knew it is something to do with the GPU but it took me a few hours to find your comment to see what are the proper arguments to launch the Unity Hub without HW acceleration. I had no clue it uses Electron so didn’t even try to search for that in their repo.