Unity Hub could show the latest beta releases


I like the Unity Hub and as a noob the Learn section got me smoothly started.

Now the editor suggested a new version 2018.1.0b12 to download via web. I think it would be nice if the Hub showed the latest beta and make it possible to install it directly from there.

Keep up the good work!

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Thank you for your feedback! We do try to keep up to date with the latest beta versions. There may be up to one day of delay between the web and the hub for the latest beta version release. That said we are working on a solution to fix this. Stay tuned.



This happens to me every update. I noticed that Unity Hub will not detect the new version if I close (by pressing X in the Unity Hub window) and re-open the Unity Hub window.

However, if I right click on the Unity Hub icon in the system tray and select “Quit Unity Hub” and then relaunch Unity Hub, the latest beta is always listed. This method has worked for me for the last 2 or 3 betas.

On possible solution is a “check for updates” button, perhaps under the Unity Hub gear icon.

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up to one day of delay
2 days passed, nothing. i have to install it manually

I didn’t have an opportunity to update yet but i can’t find 2018.1.0b13 anywhere.

The hub installs file is now updated to display b13.