Unity Hub downloads duplicate modules

I’m on Ubuntu 22 LTS using Unity Hub 3.3.0.

When I installed Unity Editor versions Unity-2021.3.09f1, Unity-2021.3.10f1, Unity-2021.3.11f1

there were 3 files for each of the modules with the same version. Ended up unnecessarily downloading +10 gigs.

android-ndk-r21d-linux-x86_64 (1).zip
android-ndk-r21d-linux-x86_64 (2).zip

Than I configured Unity Hub download location to an external harddrive thinking maybe it will use what's already downloaded, but it ends up downloading existing modules again.

Is this a known issue? I'd like to avoid downloading duplicate versions.

Yeah I got the exact same problem, i don’t know how to fix it either though.