Any One Found A Fix?
I’ve tried everything. I’ve Made sure it can get in & out of my firewall + turned off when installing the Hub and Editors.
Uninstalled many times
Fresh Windows 11
I can go on…
No matter what I do all I get to is a max of 99% then no matter how much time passes it’s stuck & I have left this for over a day.
I have tried all versions even the Alpa & Bata.
Any Help is well needed.
Just so you know
I can’t use the manual download from the site as not all of the Android things come with it. Only works for the rest such as WEBGL, Windows but not Android.
I am struggling with the same issue.
I’ve tried turning off firewall on laptop and on router and also installing as Administrator on windows. None of the above helped.
Also tried to install editor with download from archive as well as using Download Assitant (from other installs). However, when I try to download samples and templates it gets stuck in the same manner still.
Some threads suggest that it might be router/internet provider issue (especially when using 4G/5G broadband). I’ve tried switching to my mobile 4G, but the issue still presists and no error logs in Unity Hub logs.
I’ve tried on both Windows 11 and Mac Pro and the issue is exactly the same on both.
If you found the root cause, please post it as I am still struggling with it. Will test on another WiFi tomorrow to see if it is related to Network.
@Marshall_Mport my issue was the router (4G broadband via mobile network). Once I went and tried on normal optic fiber broadband it worked as a charm. Not sure if the connection was too slow or some settings on the router that blocking it (as I’ve said I’ve tried switching off firewall and etc on it, but it didn’t help).
Hope this helps.
I am on 4g & 5G broadband via mobile network so that could well be it, I am trying a few more things now with the broadband, but all I seem to be doing is making it worse haha.
I will call the provider tomorrow & ask them to see if they have any ideas
but this is what Unity sent me back:
" I have found the following errors:
Could not obtain unity token. Error AxiosError: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established\n at connResetException and
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. "
@Marshall_Mport Maybe 4G network might be repacking into their own certificate as a proxy. But I guess that would show on all websites as broken certiifcate.
I found this documentation on unity, but no idea how to set it up as it would require proxy certificate.
There is also a mention of webproxy configuration for older unity version, but again it doesn’t support the new version.
Just an idea.