Unity Hub Keeps loading

Hi, I am new to unity and I was using Unity yesterday and everything works fine. Today when I click into Unity Hub, it keeps loading. Not sure what went wrong, pls kindly advise. Thank you.

read the errors in the logs file… see if you can fix them

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usually it works, if you completely close it (close from taskbar icon also or kill process)

Thanks. To kill process means to end task from task manager? And then try open again? I tried so but still loading…

yeah from task manager, or right click on the icon task bar to quit.

but if still stuck, check log files

for testing, can also try running hub as Admin, to see if any difference. (“run as adminstrator”)

OK I will try. But sorry I’m really new to all these and can I check how do I access the log files? Like what do I click or type into? Type into the command prompt ? Thank you.

you can paste that bold line into Explorer folder field, or in Start menu also.
then it should open that folder, and can see log file: info-log.json
try to check if there are some error messages.