Unity Hub Preview 0.13.0 is now available


If you have not installed the Unity Hub before, you can find it here:
Download the hub for MacOS
Download the hub for Windows

Otherwise, you should receive an auto-update notification in the next 24 hours or when quitting and re-starting the hub.

Here are the release notes for this version:

Unity Hub 0.13.0

Introduces preferences modal dialog
Upgrades to Electron 1.8.2
Adds secondary install location
Installs Visual Studio extensions automatically
Enables Unity analytics

Bug Fixes
Fixes unhandled promise rejection warning at app startup
Reduces the artifact size by removing the electron
Removes standard assets lookup
Closes the hub when opening the editor (no minimizing)
Fixes some security issues
Fixes the issue with Windows license
Checks for updates when user gets online
Displays EACESS error when launching editor fails
Displays warning when opening a project and version does not exist
Fixes registry key on Windows
Shows the preferred version in the warning
Improve some messages