Unity Hub v2.0.0-beta versions feedback thread

Just got notification that Unity Hub v2.0 beta was now available: Unity Hub v2.0 beta is now available for download

I haven’t installed it yet but I’m already creating this thread so that people who are testing the new Hub can post their feelings and hopes about it.

So be it! :slight_smile:


Still no dark mode, that’s literally the only thing I wanted in Hub 2.0

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A dark mode for the Hub? I hadn’t thought about that. Maybe one day but we’re still waiting for a dark mode for the forums, so… :wink:


Can we specify an install folder yet? That would be a nice feature! And I mean for the version I selected, not the general folder where all of them install to. For example, I might have a “C:\Program Files\Unity” which holds the latest version for me. Currently I need to use the manual installer to specify that :frowning:

It has always been there. Click on the cog on the top right of the window and choose where you want to install your versions of Unity.

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Also just installed it and liking it so far (from the looks of it), but the installation list is now cards instead of just items beneath each other. Yes, it shows you the components installed, but I’m sure they can make it work so all the info is displayed in one straight line. Makes it much easier to scan the versions you’ve installed :slight_smile:

So far, so good. The first time I launched the Hub I was like “Yuh, what’s that?”. Yes, it takes some getting used to but getting around it is not such a big deal.

Once resized so that the content of the columns show in full, I like it; but, guys, the tray icon is still scarcely visible!!!

At least, the “preferred” tag has disappeared. :wink:

Oops, first problem.

I went to the Tutorial Projects tab and downloaded the 2D Game Kit; when I click on “Start”, the Hub doesn’t ask for the version of Unity we would like to use and tries and open it in Unity 2019.2.0a9 instead of 2018.3.10f1.

By the way, Unity 2019.2.0a9 was not launched at all.


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Also, please, please, please, could you put an option somewhere allowing us to choose not to get short cuts to Unity or the Hub on the desktop??? I spend my time deleting these things.

Resizing the Hub window doesn’t hold, I must resize it to see the full content of the columns each time I start it.

I’m unable to launch the beta version. Anytime I try doing that it would instead launch the 1.6 version I have installed. I am using Windows 10 and let it install at the default path(c:/program files). Both the 1.6 version and 2.0 are installed at different folders(Unity Hub + Unity Hub beta at program files).

The two executables are different, you must use Unity Hub beta.exe.

The new hub short cut on the desktop doesn’t look like the usual short cut; it’s smaller and blue.

I am using the new EXE. Opening the exe at “C:\Program Files\Unity Hub beta\Unity Hub beta.exe” opens the 1.6 version.

Does this one let me delete a project without having to delete the project folder from my file system manually?


Hi @DoctorShinobi ,
I believe the version 1 is running, thus focusing the running version instead of opening the version 2.
There can be only one Hub running at a time. If a Hub is running, the process will be focused instead of launching another. You may quit the Hub from the tray menu.
Thanks for trying out the version 2

That seemed to be the problem. I had no idea it was running since technically it was closed in the task bar

No, not yet. You have the option to open the project in the explorer though, making it far easier to locate in case you have several hundreds projects. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why is platform selecting is unavailable for 2019.2?

I don’t understand your question; your image shows that it is already selected for your projects.