Interesting. I’m in the absolute final days before publishing. My iAd banner test ads were refusing to show up on iOS 9. Since I already had admob as a backup, and since I heard iAD rates have absolutely tanked since they switched from 500,000 to 50 dollar minimum ad buys, I just removed it and didn’t look any further. Wonder if that inability to serve test ads was related to this issue.
Had to pull my game from iTunes today for the same crash. Seems like it crashes after it’s already been shown in a scene and then returning back to that same scene. Causes this crash on the [_view removeFromSuperview] call… Tried nulling out the banner when the scene unloads, hiding it, etc., but still crashes on returning to the scene with the banner. Downloading 4.6.8p2 to see if it helps
Has anyone figured this out yet? From what I can tell AdBannerView is broken. By completely ripping it out the bug goes away but then I can’t make money
Only what we need to do is replace [_view removeFromSuperview]; with [_view performSelectorOnMainThread:rage:selector(removeFromSuperview) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
This fixes my crashes and still runs the ads fine. Hope this helps you all out/I hope this gets fixed for real soon.
Edit: Angry face is : and @ together with no spaces. Although that is how I was feeling for a while…
Sermer, thanks for the fix. It work like a champ although interstitial ads are not showing at all. Any thoughts on this? Also, I read on another thread somewhere that simply removing the line [_view removeFromSuperview]; also fixes the issue and it appeared to but I was not sure if it was causing memory leaks or other negative effects. Do you have any thoughts on this.
And also, patch 5.2.1p2 is still broken on this issue.
I haven’t used interstitial ads yet so I don’t know and same for the memory leak. It seems like yanking out the remove function would cause a memory leak though. I’m new to Unity so everything is still new to me. I came up with that fix by trial and error
Glad my fix worked for you guys though!
I was running 5.2.1f1 with the most current xcode and the crash was still happening. Haven’t checked again since I made my post since my fix worked. Are patches applied automatically or do I need to redownload 5.2.1?
edit: K figured out I need to download them manually but 5.2.1p3 is the most recent patch. Any word on when patch 4 will come out?
Hey, Im still experiencing issues with iAd interstitials. Running Unity 5.2.1p4. Since iOS 9 the ads simply dont display. No ad failures or anything like that. Very perplexing
If you’re using sandbox did you set Fill Rate to 100% in developer settings? If you did, could you try downloading latest build 5.2.3f1 and if it still doesn’t work submit a bug report with your project?
Did you try using Unity - Scripting API: ADInterstitialAd ? Because there is probably not much we can do if only third party plugins are not working (you should try contacting their authors).