Unity IAP(In App Purchase) not working on iOS only.

I followed these steps.

it works on android device, unity editor but not working on iOS.

below is the Xcode debug message.

2016-10-28 04:44:56.537 IAPProject[294:24353] UnityIAP:Requesting product data...
2016-10-28 04:44:57.540 IAPProject[294:24353] UnityIAP:Received 0 products
2016-10-28 04:44:57.542 IAPProject[294:24353] UnityIAP:No App Receipt found
Unavailable product myproduct 100 -com.bundle.id.myproduct100
BuyProductID FAIL. Not initialized.

I added 3 IAP products. and the app is not submiited to review.

but these state is “ready to submit”

I made a Sandbox Testers also.

I don’t know why it cannot receive products data.

and it works on android even.

Please help me I struggled to resolve this for some days.

The problem for me was that I needed to fill out my info under iTunes Connect > Agreements, Tax, and Banking… Then I had to wait about twelve hours for it to process. Then you just plug your device into xcode (make sure you are signed out of AppleID & have created a sandbox tester) and build it. When you go to test it will ask for and AppleID… Thats where you enter your sandbox info.

I have the same problem here. Works on android and editor, but not on iOS… Any help?