Unity IAP is not working on android device

Ensure you define your products on Google Play first https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityIAPGoogleConfiguration.html You don’t need the Catalog when you are adding products via script. Please provide your device logs, your Debug.Log statements will show nicely in the logs. The Sample IAP Project writes the values to the UI, very handy for debugging. I had actually meant to get the Sample IAP Project working and publish to Google Play as a test. We know it works, don’t make any changes. Once you get it working, then apply lessons learned to your game. This way you are building on success, not chasing bugs and your game is never broken. But let’s look at the device logs first. You can use adb logcat or the logcat asset https://discussions.unity.com/t/724316 and https://discussions.unity.com/t/699654