Unity IAP package 4.12.2 is now available

Unity IAP 4.11.0 is now available. Install via the Package Manager.

Documentation: About Unity IAP | In App Purchasing | 4.11.0
Changelog: Changelog | In App Purchasing | 4.11.0


  • GooglePlay - IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetMaxConnectionAttempts(int maxConnectionAttempts) has been added to specify the max connection attempts to the Google Play Store.
  • Apple - Added privacy manifest to comply with Apple’s new privacy requirements. More details on how the Unity Engine supports this can be found here .
  • Added ConfigurationBuilder.logUnavailableProducts to specify if unavailable products should be logged.


  • GooglePlay - The default max connection attempt to the Google Play Store has been increased from 1 to 3. See IGooglePlayConfiguration.SetMaxConnectionAttempts to configure this to a different value.
  • Apple - The log when retrieving products (SKProductsResponse) now also contains the invalid products count.
  • Improved IStoreListener.OnInitializeFailed for InitializationFailureReason.NoProductsAvailable by adding a message to clarify whether the store returned products or not.


  • GooglePlay - Fixed AndroidJavaObject not being disposed causing a global reference table overflow in an edge case.
  • GooglePlay - Fixed bug causing BillingClient duplication resulting in ANR.
  • Apple - Fixed isFamilyShareable on tvOS to be only available on supported versions (14.0 and above).
  • Apple - Error codes when a purchase fails now always returns the code from Apple instead of defaulting to SKErrorUnknown.
  • Fixed Analytics’ transactionServer being null.