Unity IAP package 5.0.0-pre.4 is now available

Unity IAP - Purchasing SDK Updates

Unity Services Window: Users can install and update in the Cloud Services window, under In-App Purchasing, by pressing the ‘Import’ or ‘Update’ button.

Asset Store: Unity IAP is now also available on the Asset Store at Unity IAP (this version obsolete, use Package Manager) | Services | Unity Asset Store.

Changes (Changelog.md in the Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing folder):

See the last post on this thread for the latest fixes and features to Unity IAP.


Unity IAP package 1.6.1 is now available

[1.7.0] - 2016-08-07


  • Samsung Galaxy store support. Preliminary documentation is available here.
  • Google Play - failed purchases - the Google Play server response code is now supplied as the PurchaseFailedEventArgs.message property for failed purchases.
  • Android - it is now possible to choose the store implementation to use at runtime.
  • Make a build containing all store implementations by choosing Window > Unity IAP > Android > “Select store at runtime”
// Pass the desired store to the module, e.g. Amazon Apps.
var module = StandardPurchasingModule.Instance(AndroidStore.AmazonAppStore);


  • Google Play - PurchaseFailureReason.ItemUnavailable and PurchaseFailureReason.BillingUnavailable being reported as ‘Unknown’ errors.

[1.6.1] - 2016-07-18


  • Google Play - fixed non fatal ‘IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered’ warning appearing in crashlogs.
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Released 1.8 with Samsung’s Tizen Store now supported, and a couple of bugfixes:

[1.8.0] - 2016-08-23


  • Tizen Store support. Preliminary documentation is available here.


  • Google Play - Promo code redemptions not being detected whilst the App is running.
  • Google Play - Guard against spurious SecurityException (additional details here.)

Unity IAP 1.8.1 is now available

[1.8.1] - 2016-08-30

  • Windows Store - Windows App Compatibility Kit Supported API failure with exposure of Tizen API.
  • Tizen Store - Added sample products and GroupId to IAPDemo.cs
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Tizen Store problem:
I/Unity ( 3565): Couldn’t open /opt/usr/apps/com.luabingo.luabingo/lib/libTizenStore.so, error: /opt/usr/apps/com.luabingo.luabingo/lib/libTizenStore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I/Unity ( 3565):

I/Unity ( 3565): (Filename: Line: 192)

I/Unity ( 3565):

I/Unity ( 3565): Couldn’t open /opt/usr/apps/com.luabingo.luabingo/lib/libTizenStore.so, error: /opt/usr/apps/com.luabingo.luabingo/lib/libTizenStore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I/Unity ( 3565):

I/Unity ( 3565): (Filename: Line: 192)

I/Unity ( 3565):

I/Unity ( 3565): DllNotFoundException: /opt/usr/apps/com.luabingo.luabingo/lib/libTizenStore.so

I/Unity ( 3565): at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Purchasing.TizenStoreBindings:setUnityPurchasingCallback (UnityEngine.Purchasing.UnityNativePurchasingCallback)

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.TizenStoreBindings.SetUnityPurchasingCallback (UnityEngine.Purchasing.UnityNativePurchasingCallback AsyncCallback) [0x00000] in :0

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.TizenStoreImpl.SetNativeStore (INativeTizenStore tizen) [0x00000] in :0

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule.InstantiateTizen () [0x00000] in :0

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule.InstantiateStore () [0x00000] in :0

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule.Configure () [0x00000] in :0

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.AbstractPurchasingModule.Configure (IPurchasingBinder binder) [0x00000] in :0

I/Unity ( 3565): at UnityEngine.Purchasing.Purchasing

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Hi @achimeno_1 ,

What device or OS are you currently running this app on?

Can you confirm what version of the plugin you are using and how the plugin was installed? Are you seeing the “missing” plugin (libTizenStore) in the Plugins/UnityPurchasing/Bin/Tizen folder?


Unity IAP 1.8.2 is now available

[1.8.2] - 2016-09-23


  • Tizen Store - Product list not delivered to new app or new user
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Can you expain abit more about this problem was it internal TIzen issue or Unity side?

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Unity IAP 1.8.3 is now available

[1.8.3] - 2016-10-13


  • iOS crash when calling PurchasingManager.ConfirmPendingPurchase with a product that does not have a transaction ID
  • Ensure tvOS build uses correct correct stub DLL
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@MrEsquire 1.8.2’s Tizen change was Unity IAP-side, a logic error in our callback handling.

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Why do you removed the “select store at runtime”?! It was very useful feature for me and helped me to save time and avoid submitting my app with the wrong Target Store selected!
Please restore this feature in the coming update.

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What is CloudMoolah? There is no info on the website.

Hi @00christian00 ! CloudMoolah is a content and IAP payment aggregator, and partner of Unity’s, recently founded to help developers more easily access the complicated Asian market, focusing on Southeast Asia initially.

They maintain a digital wallet for users fillable by users through a range of payment providers active in Asia, such as MOL. The diverse range of payment providers matches how that market spends money through mobile.

Their team has joined us this week at Unite LA to talk about their new company in a Session (November 1, Breakout 2, site) and on the showroom floor.

This app store and IAP solution is currently targeting Android games.

I understand the wallet thing, but what mean content aggregator? Are they offering an alternative store?
Because I don’t think you can have alternative payment methods on Google Play store.

What’s about the removed “select store at runtime” feature?

@Wadjey It’s just the menu item that’s gone; nothing changed in code. You can still select your Android store at runtime by passing the desired AndroidStore over to the StandardPurchasingModule.Instance at initialization.


Sorry for being unclear - yes all of that is correct. Cloud Moolah supports distributing applications, and collects payments from several third party payment providers into a Cloud Moolah digital wallet.

I also have the libTizenStore.so error, I’m testing it on Emulator and I checked the file is inside the tpk file on lib folder :

11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) : DllNotFoundException: /opt/usr/apps/com.sevensails.queensgarden/lib/libTizenStore.so
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Purchasing.TizenStoreBindings:setUnityPurchasingCallback (UnityEngine.Purchasing.UnityNativePurchasingCallback)
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at UnityEngine.Purchasing.TizenStoreBindings.SetUnityPurchasingCallback (UnityEngine.Purchasing.UnityNativePurchasingCallback AsyncCallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at UnityEngine.Purchasing.TizenStoreImpl.SetNativeStore (INativeTizenStore tizen) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule.InstantiateTizen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule.InstantiateStore () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at UnityEngine.Purchasing.StandardPurchasingModule.Configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
11-16 18:51:26.416 : INFO / Unity ( 3595 : 3595 ) :   at UnityEngine.Purchasing.Extension.AbstractPurchasingModule.Configure (IPurchasingBinder binder) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Any advice?

IAP library automatically adding READ_PHONE_STATE permission for android.


  • create empty unity project
  • enabled services
  • import IAP library from services tab


  • build to android project
  • look in ProjectFolder/ProjectName/AndroidManifest.xml

you will note the permission does not exist before adding the library, but is automatically included afterward.

This did not happen with the previous IAP library (we updated recently to fix the google IAP sandbox bug).

Any chance anyone can confirm this? I’ve tested my code paths for sandbox, but will probably revert to old IAP library to fix this and the outstanding moolah issue with WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError

Edit: Unity Version 5.3.5p6

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Most plugins that use native libraries will not work correctly in the Emulator and IAP falls into that category. With respect to “next steps” here it depends on how you were planning to use the Emulator. You can manually swap-out the Tizen store DLL for the “stubbed” version which will eliminate this dependency, but any code that attempts to actually use IAP will then throw an exception.