Unity IAP Product is working in Play store but not in build apk file

I made a game which has two iap products,
I publish my game in Play Store all are working well , IAP also working well, you can check the game here

For further update i build my game in my device(APK) the iap are not working , it says “Item is not available”.

Why i need this is , the IAP is working well when i download my game from Play Store but same game i download from other store, IAP are not working , plz check the other link in APKfile Store.

Is any thing i miss or i mess??
Please Suggest the good answer.

This is because you just update the APK version. Lets suppose your play store APK version is 1.0.0 and now you change the APK version to 1.0.1 and build number also, so message displaying item not available.

Just upload your new apk to play store all will work fine. if you just want to test this APK then change the version and build number same as uploaded earlier on the play store.

Thanks for quick replay, i will check soon.