I’m completely confused on the install process for Unity IAP and UDP. I’m wanting to integrate UDP, I’ve caught up on the most recent change logs which say that UDP has been removed from Unity IAP. I’ve got the newer package UDP installed, however when I got to install the most recent update of Unity IAP 1.23.3, it’s trying to import the older Unity IAP implementation of UDP in a 1 of 2 step process. All of the docs say that you’re not meant to mix the two. I still need Unity IAP for Google Play integration though.
So how do I have both the new UDP package and Unity IAP installed which is meant to have removed UDP anyway?
Hi Jason, The compatible Unity IAP versions are not out yet. The IAP package you mentioned still has the UDP dll in it. So if you’re going to use 1.23.3 then please DO NOT install the UDP package.
Ah right, thanks for the reply. The language in the change notes for Unity IAP made it sound like this had already been removed. Thanks for clarifying.