Unity Input Manager is not registering Spacebar

In my input manager settings, the primary positive button for “Jump” is set as “space”; however, whenever I run a game and press the spacebar, the input is not registered and nothing happens.
Photo of my default set up if it’s any help:

I thought that the problem might be my fault so I tried it on the Unity FPS microgame. I installed and opened the project and tried it with no modifications and the result was the same.
I tried putting “space” in the “Alt positive button” field, still nothing. It only works when I change the button to something else or add another alt button.

I am typing this post on the same keyboard so the spacebar works, I just don’t know what is going on in Unity. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

It’s a problem that is being worked on in different versions of Unity: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/linux-editor-returns-the-o-keys-keycode-when-the-space-key-is-being-pressed

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Ahh, thank you. I guess the current solution would be to use an alt button in the editor since the bug goes away after building.

What do you mean by use alt button? does it mean use Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftAlt)?

He meant an alternative button, chose another button instead of Space. :slight_smile:

Well that was unfortunate, just shocked the bug still exists on LTS version :(.

I’m on ubuntu 18.04 & 2019.4

Yes, it’s fixed on 2020.2; not sure about 2020.1 though.