The Unity Install 2021.3.7f1 is not downloading for me. I downloaded it first on C: drive but since its taking up too much space I deleted it keeping my project files and deleting the install editor and also of course deleted unity hub. Then I downloaded it to D: drive and now when I click install Unity (2021.3.7f1) it says that Documentation and Editors Application is Cleaning up. I also changed where projects installs and downloads goes (in the unity d: folder program files). Can someone help me install this please.
Can’t delete it either
Update it finally stopped downloaded I have the file of the previous installer when I downloaded in c: drive as backup and now I am copying the file to unity and it works
Figured out the problem…
I set the projects, downloads and installings storage folder in the d: drive program files of unity just make another folder in d: drive to store it.