Hello, I am new and I try to install a newer editor but it doesn´t work. I installed the version 2020.2.2f1 and that´s the only version which I could installed. Can you maybe help me?
Which did you try?
Enough storage?
VPN/proxies disabled?
Any errors in the logs?
I have enough storage. I don‘t have VPN and Proxy. No errors. I try different editors but every time at first it‘s loading but never finished…
why could you only install 2020.2.2f1?
as DevDunk says what was happening in the log files?
is your machine up to spec
what are you loading it on? (remote drive, usb stick, google/apple/onedrive?
You said its “loading” but never finished, what exactly is loading did it install and when you ran it it stayed on the splash screen? hub never finished downloading it? what?
The Unity Hub has a blue loading bar at the bottom left and it continues to run after ten hours. I try to install the editor on C:// drive
1 question out of 4… sigh
Welcome to giving support
It helps to number the questions, but no guarantees haha
tbh if someone who wants to be a developer cant be bothered to read and answer things… i cant be bothered to help its my personal time, my life… i dont owe them
I have the same. Nice to help people from time to time, but that’s it, nice to do
(and picking up some new things along with it which is a bonus)