Unity IOS(IPad2) auto exit app after loaded too many images


Do anyone know what is cause of auto exit after the app had load too many high resolution images? Your suggestion will be very appreciate.
The function of the app is to load a super high resolution image after player had selected a button. The problem is the app crash exactly at the 4th time I click on the button while it is loading the 4th image. The app will exit and back to iPad desktop.

My guess is because the iPad ran out of temporary memory space and it crash? Actually I’m not sure, the crash may caused by something else…but Please does anyone have some idea of what is the cause of this? And perhaps if you can suggest a solution may fix the problem will be very thankful.


I find a solution.

I use Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); or Resources.UnloadAsset(Texture_name); to clean up unused asset. Now it never crash anymore, however people said this may reduce the performance while unity is unloading asset. In my case, it seems didn’t slow down anything so far.
