Xcode : 4.1
iOS SDK : 4.3
Unity: 3.4.2f3
OpenFeint iOS: 2.12.5
When I login OpenFeint, pop up occurs, users must to choose enable OpenFeint or not.
If I click “Enable OpenFeint”, after that, everything 's ok.
But if I click “I don’t want these awesome features”, when i try to login OpenFeint next time, my game was crashed.
“EXC_BAD_ACCESS” Error at this line:
[webManifestQueue addOperation:copyDefaultManifestOp];
(in initForApplication function of OFWebViewCacheLoader.m file in OpenFeint framework)
If restart game, this problem still exists. It’s only ok when I delete my game and reinstall it. (means the cache is deleted)
Anyone can help me? Thanks so much!