Unity iOS OpenFeint problem "I don't want these awesome features"

Xcode : 4.1
iOS SDK : 4.3
Unity: 3.4.2f3
OpenFeint iOS: 2.12.5

When I login OpenFeint, pop up occurs, users must to choose enable OpenFeint or not.
If I click “Enable OpenFeint”, after that, everything 's ok.
But if I click “I don’t want these awesome features”, when i try to login OpenFeint next time, my game was crashed.

“EXC_BAD_ACCESS” Error at this line:
[webManifestQueue addOperation:copyDefaultManifestOp];
(in initForApplication function of OFWebViewCacheLoader.m file in OpenFeint framework)

If restart game, this problem still exists. It’s only ok when I delete my game and reinstall it. (means the cache is deleted)

Anyone can help me? Thanks so much!

Please help me! It’s very important…

Your probably trying to access openfeint in your code without checking if it’s enabled or not? That would be my guess at least.

I think, just call ‘OpenFeint Login’, it will automatically call ‘Enable UI’ if not enabled yet.
And do you know the method to check enabled or call ‘Enable UI’ of OpenFeint?