I have now released my first game for iOS that I made with Unity. We have used TestFlight (in iTunes Connect) in order to test it prior to release, but now we of course want to continue developing the app and test it before we release it.
I have tried with PostProcessBuild and changed the bundle identifier and bundle display name to distinguish the apps, and also so that we can have both the production app and test app installed at the same time. That works OK I think, but the problems now are that we also use In App Purchase, which makes the “different-bundle-id”-solution quite problematic. It leads to manual steps before pushing the app to iTunes Connect, like suffix the in app purchase product id with “-TEST”.
So the problems we are facing are:
- We would want the test and the production app installed at the same time
- How to handle in app purchase products in the test app?
How are you solving this? Is there something that I have missed in making this easier and more automatic?
Can a build server take care of this?