Unity iPhone feedback / voting system

For those that don’t read the Unity RSS / blogs regularly:


Yeah, they should probably put this up as a sticky in this forum.

Everyone go vote!

I am surprised that updating the Unity iPhone UI/Editor to the same as 2.5 is the top requested feature when we have so many iPhone features unavailable like native keyboard… :?

Likely because the objc ↔ scripting exposure is a roadmapped feature, they keyboard as well if I remember right and on top of that there is the possibility to just do it yourself / get bliprobs enhancement kit.

Don’t see why I should wait months longer for the editor transition and the new power I have in adding own functionality just to get something I already have …

This is where UT’s voting system will provide falseresults in that case. Are we supposed to be voting for features outside of the roadmap or including the roadmap? because if some people are thinking one way and others another the result won’t be a true indicator.