Hello community. After Unity Hub was update my project stop working. I have a message from it unity is already in list. you cannot locate the same version .
No one editor was running.
How to fix it?
Hello, same problem here with Unity hub 2.2.0
solved. just restart your internet. turn on and turn off in command panel you lan\wlan connection.
What do you mean with command panel? I have reinstalled unity hub, unity, and restarted the computer but the problem persists
this peace of crap not working without internet.
command panel
But I have Internet connection
I use windows 10
Thank you but doesn’t work for me
but it work for me, just relax and w8 hub update
The thing is that I work with Unity and have projects to develope, so I can’t relax and wait… this is very annoying because I haven’t done anything today but trying to get unity working!!! thanks!
Same problem here, really really frustrating…Unity Hub seems to get buggier with every update, I have spent about 8-12 hours on this already, reinstalling everything, deleting stuff, registry deletions, etc…please Unity Team - Hotfix this ASAP, we can not work on our projects anymore even though we are paying customers!
Same problem here, everyone. I updated the Unity Hub this morning, and I’m not able to open any of my projects now. Need a fix ASAP.
Don’t know how but I can use unity without unity hub after restoring the system
Same problem here.
Im new in unity so spend last 8 hrs with learning.
Day after I try to open a existing project to continue the same issue.Unity is already in list. You cannot locate the same version.(must click a 20x times to read that flash message appear under HUB)
Im using a Unity personal version 2019.3.0f1, so every time I start the Unity HUb warning that I dont have a active licence.
Try every time with manual activation. But problem not solved. Unity is already in list…
So I found the solution. Its work for me maybe it will be helpful for some of you.
- Delete the /ProgramData/Unity
- Turn off windows Firewall
- Turn off the internet connection
- Launch the Unity HUB
- Manual put the licence until write that cant connect to server
- Turn on the internet connection
- Dismiss the all warning and under HUB until my licence was accepted and activated
- Open through HUB the last project and it normally start
The reinstalling Unity or HUB and etc didnt work for me problem was again and again and reinstalling the Windows was insane if that bug is there so can happen any time.
Maybe it help for some of you. Cheers
Hi all,
Sorry for the inconvenience, currently we are investigating this and other issues reported on the recent update.
I would like to kindly ask you to check if the license remains valid after the update by going to the License Management page in the Hub.
Try locating the project file and then opening the unity scene file in the Assets folder. That seems to work for me.
I also have the problem, but i just tried:
- Removing my pro-licence
- Uninstalling everything unity, deleted all unity from my appdata ect. and tried to remove all my unity related registry keys
- Restarted the pc
- Reinstalled unity hub and unity 2019.2.13f1
- Re added my licence
And still can’t open my project, but i can create and open a new project.
Did notice that when i reinstalled my unity hub it auto detected my project, despite me clearing everything.
I can open the project by opening a scene file in the project, thanks DOCTORFORK
Having the same issue,
I am able to create a new project but then if i close that project and then try to reopen that same project through the hub it fails.
Open Unity Hub 2.2.1
Click on project I was working on 2 days ago.
I get the Unity Splash Screen come up and then it re-opens Unity Hub again with the message which appears for like half a second.
Unity is already in the list, You cannot locate the same version…
PS: What does this even mean ? ?
I tried reinstalling the Hub,
Deleting the licence info in ProgramData\Unity
Nothing seems to be working though
Now if i try to open my project via the Assets/Scenes I get error importing packages messages, Weird this project was fine 2 days ago… This update has messed up a lot
I didn’t see any responses to your question. I did check mine before and after the bug and the license still seems to be valid. I checked for updates and the hub responded saying it was fine.
For everyone else I tried DOCTORFORK’s solution and it does work. If you need visuals or need to know how to find the files, I made a simple guide in my post. I am spreading this solution to the other posts I know of that need it.
Unfortunately, validating the license has had issues since updating to the latest Hub as well. On guess, it seems like it’s having issues connecting to the server to validate or even return.