So just now, at a fresh windows install, i wanted to go do my daily dev. However, it seems whenever i launch Unity, through Unity Hub or Unity itself, all it does is it opens hub and tells me “Unity is already in the list. You cannot locate the same version.”. Come on, i just want to open it up. Whenever i create a new project it boots normally, but not after that. What do i do?
Edit: Log says “Exiting without the bug reporter. Application will terminate with return code 0”.
Edit 2: I found out my license didn’t activate since i haven’t logged in. Fixed that, however it still just “crashes” wit the “Unity is already in the list. You cannot locate the same version.” error in Hub. Log file doesn’t even say what i said in Edit 1 anymore. Log link: Log -
Open the project by opening scene file in the Assets folder, because opening the Editor or project by Hub didnt work cause of error in the Hub (flashing and disapearing) “unity is already in list. you cannot locate the same version”
Its such a simple fix for me, but hard to find an easier explanation so I’m going to leave this link here for any future references. Basically what happens is that your unity license is linked to a certain network on your pc and if it doesn’t match or turned off it won’t recognize your it and prevent you from accessing your projects/older projects. How I fixed it: (control panel > Change Adapter settings > enable network that is turned off) I would like to know a way on linking your license to a different network, other than creating a new project on that network.
This Happens when you update and Unity thinks you are logged in, but you are not.
To solve: try to manage license,
It will say that you need to login in order to do that.
Login and activate either Personal or pro.
→ open the editor as normal.
If you did this and no dice, you will also need to re-update your Editor Location in preferences