So, before posting, be sure that you state it clearly… I have troubles understanding a lot. Anyways, I am trying to create a really great game for my company. And it is running really slow. How can I speed this up? I keep on doing YouTube tutorials and they are not helping. I updated all my drivers, and it still didn’t really help. Any ideas? Thanks so much!
In my experience, Unity runs slowly when you are printing out a lot of debug messages. Check this out.
You couldn’t have been less vague yourself, could you? There’s a million reasons why your code might run slow. Did you try profiling it?
Heya Eric,
First question: Is the Unity Editor slow? Or is the game itself slow?
This is just a shot in the dark:
New users often try different things out, jump to something else, … . It is not uncommon that the console is spammed with messages, warnings and error messages. If that is the case, this can easily destroy the performance.
Yep, the code is running fine. Everything is running correctly… Just really slow.
I’m not that much of a new user to Unity. I have been using Unity for a year now, I just joined the forums not that long ago.
The editor itself is slow.
No link attached?
What are your computer specs?
You probably have a loop that is tanking the performance down but not throwing an error.
I don’t know. Where can I find them? Do you mean like what type of computer I have and RAM and stuff?
Yes, thats what i mean
Hit start, type run in the search box, hit enter.
type dxdiag, hit enter.
You can find all sorts of information about your computer there.
That is, if u use windows.
Darn, ok, will I need to try to boost my computer performance? Because my computer is really fast. It is fine with games and stuff like that.
Looks fine.
When you run a default Unity project, that comes with the engine. Does it still run slow?
I’m not sure if this is a serious question or not.
If you have Unity Pro open up the profiler when running your game, see what is hitting the performance.
If not, also take a look at the stats window in the game view, are there any high values like DrawCalls? Alot of Tris?
So what did profiling show you?