(Unity/Java)Script autocomplete on monodevelop

Hey Guys,

Just installed Unity 3 Pro trial, loaded up my old unity 2.6 project and changed my default editor to monodevelop. I did a sync monodevelop project and then opened one of my scripts for editing inside monodevelop, but i’m finding that monodevelop doesn’t know about built ins and reserved words in unity?

For example in any function I would type “transform” but it would suggest for me “Transform” instead - which is obviously different. Also if I then go okay fine, give me “Transform”, i continue to press dot (.) and begin typing Translate but it gives me “No suggestions” in red background.

does monodevelop not understand java/unityscript at this time? Or is there some way to make it work?

Thanks :slight_smile:

edit: I think I just found the answer- monodevelop doesnt support javascript just yet!

hey how did u find that out. and do you know when it is going to get implemented? or if heh.

I just did some google searches, other people have asked the same question. I don’t know if or when it’s going to be implemented but I’m pretty sure it will eventually

yea i have been digging around to ay. seems like the best bet is just to go in and learn c#. i guess it will pay off in the long run. i just find all that low level stuff hard enough to understand in c++ let alone understanding c# from scratch. some more late nights on 3d buzz i guess hehe.

i dont think it’s worth learning C# just so we can use monodevelop. It’s not entirely necessary to have autocomplete, as you can just refer to the script manual. Having said that there’s a nice java/unityscript editor with autocomplete you can use, it’s called UnityDevelop. just google it

I gave Monodevelop a try yesterday for the first time (Windows 7 on one machine and OSX 10.6.4 on the other). To be honest, I’m not impressed. MD was slow and the auto-completion (I’m coding in Javascript), which is the reason I tried it in the first place, was virtually worthless. I’m back to using UniScite (Windows) and Unitron (Mac). FWIW, I’ve found UniScite’s auto-completion (it only prompts for functions / variables that already exist in the script) to be almost good enough and certainly better than Unitron in that area. Perhaps it’s time to try Notepad++?

I think that c# and javascript are so close that learning either after the other isn’t much of a stretch. To be fair the choice of js in a text editor or c# in an ide is a brainless one for me. Autocompletion saves so much time and minimalists spelling errors.

that said there are plenty of examples of people using text editors with autocomplete and unityscript as you said UnityDev is just one.

Anyone know if a 3.0 update for UnityDevelop is available?

i have the same problem.
i would use Modevelop with Unityscript.