Unity just isn't reacting to any code I write

So I am brand new to Unity and so I looked for a tutorial to use it.
How to Make a Game - Unity Beginner Tutorial - 2021 Version! - YouTube

Am following everything he does exactly and yet when I try to make the bird not fall at 41ish minutes in, plop it goes.
Have literally done nothing different than the video, so why bird go brrr.
I’ve reinstalled both unity and visual studio to double check nothing was corrupted.
My code is:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Bird : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
GetComponent().isKinematic = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()


And to be clear it shows my code in unity when I click on the script file, but I get no reaction from code when I press play
I do have visual studio set to default external editor
I do have the package in package manager for it downloaded and up to date

I also tried the color changing bit in the video and got no reaction
Please help me

First comment on YouTube tutorial page:

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Nice spot. Easy but critical step to overlook.

OP, here’s a super-short handy video about how all this comes together:

Basics of Unity GameObjects and Components:


ALSO… these guys have HOURS of amazing great starter tutorials:

Imphenzia / imphenzia - super-basic Unity tutorial:


Brackeys super-basic Unity Tutorial series:


Sebastian Lague Intro to Game Development with Unity and C#:


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Thank you both for the replys
I will try again when I have time
For now though I need sleep
But I want to confirm that I did see y’all’s posts

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