Unity Landscape with another shader?

Hi there,
is it possible to have a shader with bump maps instead of only Textures for the Unity intern Lanscape?
Yes, i have seen the Lanscape shader in the unity Wiky, but this shader have only 2 Layers for an black and withe mask, and its not compatible with the intern unity lanscape i mean.
Is it in plan for Unity 3?

wrong question?
wrong forum?
I ask, because i fear to loose this genial feature of tree and gras generating. Kan i make this generating on my own Lanscape mesh with my own shader?

the shaders on the wiki are useless they were for unity 1.x where no terrain existed.

for unity 2.x+ they don’t make sense cause unity 2.x+ uses a colormap that uses each of the 4 color channels to define the blend amount of a different texture (so you get up to 4 different textures blended in per splat map as they are called in case of the terrain system).

there is a unity 2.x targeted enhanced terrain shader that has bumpmap among other things that shows how it generally works.

just be aware that overwriting the terrain shader can potentially impact foliage too as they are part of the terrain system