The page for the first programming tutorial (beyond “Unity Essentials” which is very basic) keeps crashing.
URL: Unit 1 - Player Control - Unity Learn
I’ve tried in Firefox and Chrome, and have tried in incognito windows with no cookies or extensions.
In the browser console I get this error and stack trace:
TypeError: null has no properties
i Learn_ProjectDetailController.0e1f998993990ebc75d2.bundle.js:1
u Learn_ProjectDetailController.0e1f998993990ebc75d2.bundle.js:1
s Learn_ProjectDetailController.0e1f998993990ebc75d2.bundle.js:1
GetRecordSubItems Learn_ProjectDetailController.0e1f998993990ebc75d2.bundle.js:1
value Learn_ProjectDetailController.0e1f998993990ebc75d2.bundle.js:1
value Learn_ProjectDetailController.0e1f998993990ebc75d2.bundle.js:1
React 7
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.production.min.js:20
React 6
value Hoc.js:100
value View.js:124
value Controller.js:110
value Controller.js:106
value Controller.js:89
p Controller.js:70
emit index.js:130
a FunctionTree.js:322
l executeTree.js:49
p executeTree.js:21
l executeTree.js:49
p executeTree.js:21
l executeTree.js:49
p executeTree.js:21
m executeTree.js:38
value FunctionTree.js:206
l executeTree.js:83
m executeTree.js:33
value FunctionTree.js:155