Hello, I am planning to use Unity Face Capture with Unity, is Iphone X will be enough for that? I checked the device requirements and Iphone X was on the list but the Selfie Camera can record video only in 30FPS - so does that mean my animations will be captured in 30FPS?
Overall, is it worth it to purchase Iphone 13 (12MP) for that purpose or Iphone X (7MP) will be enough? Is there a significant difference between those two in terms of Facial Capture?
Hi, I have an iPhone X and just checked, so I can say that anecdotally at least, Unity Face Capture on iPhone X records at 60 fps just fine.
However… according to this thread, ARKit’s frame rate is throttled when the device gets hot. ARKit is pretty resource intensive, and I’ve noticed my phone gets hot when using ARKit.
So, I’d say it depends on your use case. If you’re doing short captures with plenty of time between them for the device to cool down, an iPhone X could be fine. If you’re planning longer capture sessions, you will likely have problems.
Newer is generally better. Our in-house capture studio is using iPhone 11’s. Avoid the larger screens, they just add weight.
It definitely runs on an iPhone X. The underlying requirement is really ARKIT support. You don’t need to record video at all, that’s just an added feature. ARKIT processes the front camera and provides blendshapes. The app just visualizes this and transmits the data to Unity. Animations can then be recorded in Unity Editor.
Two things to keep in mind:
The weight of the phone matters if you are planning on having it mounted in a HMD. Your actors will thank you if you get smaller phones.
Not all iPhones have LiDAR. This is NOT needed for face capture, but it does improve AR tracking for things like VCam. So, if you would like to use it for this too, then get one that has LiDAR.
Thank you guys for your support!
I have an XS 256 gb, work like a charm