(Unity Lobby) Player profiles do not appear to work as intended

I was trying to set a Player.Profile variable so that I could access it later, but whenever I attempted to read it, it returned empty.

public class LobbyManager : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()

        async void InitializeUnityAuthentication()
            InitializationOptions initializationOptions = new();

            // Profile is set here.
            initializationOptions.SetProfile(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10000).ToString());
            await UnityServices.InitializeAsync(initializationOptions);

            await AuthenticationService.Instance.SignInAnonymouslyAsync();

            await AuthenticationService.Instance.UpdatePlayerNameAsync(
                UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10000).ToString()

    private void PrintProfilesAndAName()
        Debug.Log(JoinedLobby.Players.Count) // Prints '2' as expected (I'm play-testing with 2 instances).

        // Prints 'Player Profile: ' for each player...
        foreach (Player player in JoinedLobby.Players) Debug.Log("Player profile: " + player.Profile);

        Debug.Log(JoinedLobby.Players[0].Profile.Name); // NRE.

Is that by design? Why? The only solution I found was to save this data inside a PlayerDataObject, however, creating a field from another field that should be accessible in the first place feels redundant and hackish.