After some time with adding a Localization to a unity game and using google sheets for this matter. I can’t Push or Pull anything from the sheets anymore. The Token is always expired. I tried to get a new one. Got the O-Auth Key and Secret and could login with google sheets in Unity but pulling, pushing the String table is still impossible.
Does anyone knows what this is about? It seems only to work sometimes and then not at all. The Project is still in Testing Mode on the Google Side and i did not find any clue what is wrong and why the tokens don’t work anymore.
Try deleting the old token. It can be found in the project Libraries folder at Library/Google/
still the same issue. the authorisation is granted, as before but as soons as i try to push or pull something to or from sheets it does not work. A collegue had the same issue. seems only one of us can be using the api at the same time or something like this?
Hmm im not sure. Can you generate 2 different OAuth tokens?
im not sure if the same token is used again and causing this. But i have to work with a few people on the sheet and with the google api
its still not working. Anyone a guess what the cause is?
Did you try deleting the old token?
yes, i deleted the old one. it did not work. Somehow, after a week i could push and pull again. But there can only work one person with this Google api at a time.
I’m not familiar with the limitations, that will be a Google feature. You can always generate multiple tokens. Did you try restarting the editor when it happened?
yes, i restarted it several times. Still no improvement. We are still searching for the problem there.
This issue still occurs; after Authorization the token is available in Library/Google/GoogleSheets, but as soon as a Pull is executed the token is automatically deleted. What does work however, is not using the Authorize button, but the Pull to trigger the Authorization process (haven’t tried the Push button). Restarting the editor wasn’t needed, and also doesn’t work when using the Authorize button
Restarting editor solved this issue , please add in documentation note to enable google sheets api