Does anyone know, but does the old Unity Locomotion System work in 3.5?
I notice that its not available as a tutorial package on the Unity Site (Resources) as it used to be.
However when I add it (I have it previously saved to my computer) to a new project now, I get a bunch of Console errors like this one:
Assets/Locomotion System/Editor/LocomotionEditorClass.cs(314,73): warning CS0618: UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Object, System.Type, params UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])' is obsolete:
Check the docs for the usage of the new parameter ‘allowSceneObjects’.’
And… pretty much first thing in the instructions for setting it up is…
"Check that the menu bar in Unity includes the menu Tools > Locomotion Initialization but don’t use it yet. You will need this menu later. If this menu is not present, there is something wrong. "
Well… something IS wrong, cos I dont even get a Tools Menu… let alone THAT item…
Im wondering if the 3rd person shooter demo, is kind of replacing that Locomotion system now, and has the same (but updated) functionality?
Does anone know, I dont really have time to waste on it right now…
(I hope it does the same grounding work that the LS did, cos that was very nice, and I alwasy used it on my characters before, but havent set up a new Player for a while now…)