Unity Mask takes more than 6 or 8 Draw Calls

I have a ScrollRect where I am using the a mask. As soon as I disable the mask, it reduces my draw calls by 6 or even 8. How come unity mask takes up so much draw calls? BTW this only happens when ScrollRect’s content is overflowing. If it’s not overflowing, then it only reduces 2 draw calls.

Anyone can explain why this is happening and what I should do to improve my draw calls?

The UI Mask Component creates / uses instanced materials since the masking is done via the Stencil which requires properties be set per object / material.

To verify this, simply create a new scene and add a UI Button. Add a UI Mask to the button and you will have 4 draw calls. 1 for the Camera. 2 for the button and 1 for the text object being masked. Duplicate this button and you’ll pick up an extra 3 draw calls.

Although this video shows UI Masking in TextMesh Pro, towards the middle part I do cover the draw calls resulting from using the UI Mask with the buttons. In theory the UI.Text objects which share the same material should batch but they do not with UI.Text.