Unity MasterServer

How reliable is Unitys Masterserver? I have been debugging the ConnectGuiMasterServer.js for 3 days striaght now between the Unity editor and a standalone exe. When I click the "Start Server" button to create a game on either the standalone or inside the editor. The opposite game either connects or has problems connecting. A successful connection is never certain unless I am connecting to a game without using the default masterserver. A connection is only certain when I start a server with one computer, and type in its address on another computer and connect, never through the masterserver using the ConnectGuiMasterServer.js for some odd reason. I am using Unity 2.6 free version.

Can anyone tell me why this is? Thanks.

I remember reading, here or on the forums, that the master server that it comes with is for testing strictly, as a lot of people use it at once, it is highly unreliable...

I'd search on google for more info (Their is a lot on it in the Unity forums as well)... But yeah.

Hope someone else can help you more so.

Maybe update to 3.1, it uses Raknet?

It's not reliable. Grab the Master Server Source, build it yourself (or use an executable that comes with the download), and host the master server yourself. If you're lucky you may find another Unity Dev that would let you use their master server.